Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mitsi here, reporting in from the Family Sheet.

I think it's safe to say that Christi's feeling pretty beat-up today. The sores in her mouth and throat [resulting of the chemo] are really painful, making swallowing and talking pretty agonizing. They've connected a port in her jugular through which they've been able to give her IV medications (instead of having to swallow pills). She was pretty nauseous throughout the night last night, unable to keep down even liquid Tylenol, so the IV medications are a good change.

We had a pretty quiet day and Christi was able to get some rest in between doses of pain medication. We watched Benjamin Button, but she wound up dozing off part way through. She got one unit of blood today and will get one other tomorrow. Dr. Fay mentioned that the current plan is to check her bone marrow this Friday.

She's really unable to talk on the phone due to the sores in her throat and is sensitive to noises in general. It seems like getting rest is of primary importance right now.

Keep those prayers coming, particularly during this challenging part!

-mitsi pair willard, niece of christi

1 comment:

  1. Just checking the updates. Will pray for the mouth sores and nausea, continued strenght and complete healing. Gerry Roeder
