Saturday, May 30, 2009

It is about nine o'clock on Saturday morning. I "communicated" with Christi by phone and she could talk just enough to let me know what is going on. They are going to feed her today and I said"swallow" and she said "No, tube". I suppose it will be IV. I asked her if it would be steak and potatoes and she said"No, Mexican food". She also said that she was better today, so maybe the steroids helped to heal some of the ulcers.Rick and the girls were going up today, so it will be "snuggle time".

I got a pretty cute picture of her via my cell phone. She has a new hairless doo, so now she and Rick are twins, minus the beard...

1 comment:

  1. I really am glad you started this blog so that we can keep up with what's going on. The sores in Christi's mouth and esophagus sound so painful, and going without drinking anything for four days must be really difficult, but with God's grace she seems to be coping. We are praying that those stem cells are getting in their proper positions and just working like crazy to make new bone marrow and heal!! Love and prayers for all of you! Debbie and Larry
