Friday, June 12, 2009

Plan "B" Day 2

Whew! What a roller coaster ride we are on! Today Christi is feeling pretty lousy from the Mylotarg, but that is to be expected. Dr. Piniero told us that nothing has changed since yesterday, meaning her leukemia didn't go up OR down, so that is a good thing. We'll take ANY good sign! He's taking her off the pain meds and putting her back on some oral meds, another good thing since she can swallow. Last night she asked for a "burrito supreme, no red sauce," and Gary, Penny, and Holli were more than happy to oblige! She ate about a fourth of it after Holli fixed her a "burrito pudding," and she drank some Dr. Pepper.
So today, mom & dad (Melba & Layton) are here again, and we await new results from Plan B, Mylotarg. She will get another dose on Sunday and then again on Wed.
Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

  1. Marci,

    In Kabbalah, there is a wonderful concept called "Riding the S'ha S'hua," which is the delight G-d takes in the ups and downs of us, his children. When we're riding the roller coaster, we're not alone--G-d is our surfing buddy.

    As Job never lost his faith in G-d during his trials, so G-d never wavers in his love for us in our roller coaster rides, even when we're furious with him, and even when we tell him so.

    Thank you so much for your updates... our prayers are unceasing!

    Warm hugs,
    Karen (Matteson) Margrave
