Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 22

Today, Thursday, June 11th, Christi began receiving the Mylotarg which we hope that will begin to knock down her leukemia blasts. Her white blood count will begin to go down so she will once again be very suseptical to infection. We will resume wearing masks when we are in her room to prevent infection. Christi seemed to feel pretty good today and walked down the hall and sat with Marcie, Gary, Penny, Holly, Melba and me for about 45 minutes this evening. Now she is receiving a bag of platelets.

If the Mylotarg is successful, Christi may be able to go into remission long enough for a second stem cell implant in a few weeks. There is no guarantee, of course, but it is our best great hope. The doctors say that it is only effective against the type of leukemia which Christi has with about a 1/3 success rate. We'll take that.


1 comment:

  1. We are PRAYING for Christi and all of the family. I've shared her story with some of my Christian friends here in East Asia and they are all praying as well. We know that God works all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose! And we're trusting Him to HEAL Christi. We love all of you!!!! PRAYING and BELIEVING!

    Courtney Moore
