Friday, June 5, 2009

DAY 15

There seems to be some progress in Christi's recovery. The white blood cell count which has been 0.0 since the heavy chemo,has come up to 0.4. That's not much, but it means that her bone marrow is beginning to make cells. The white cells will recover first, then the red cells, and finally he platelets. The white cells will cause the ulcers in her system to start to heal. It will probably be several months before she can make enough of these blood components to sustain herself without transfusions and infusions. About 4 days ago, they started giving her Neupogen (spelling???) which stimulates the blood production. As was expected, this causes Christi's bones to ache and be very painful. She knows, as we all do, that this is a good sign and something which must be endured. She is receiving pain medication which helps some.

Her mouth and esophagus seem to be a little better, and she can softly say a few words. Christi cannot swallow anything, so she continues to receive nutrition through a central line into the bloodstream. The mucousitis is better, so she is not having to suction her mouth and throat as much.

Over-all, things are looking up, and we pray that her suffering will be relieved soon, and that she can put an end to this hospital stay which has been nearly 3 months this time.

Please continue to pray and send your good thoughts.

Layton Holt (Dad)

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